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Final Fantasy V Walkthrough

Written by  Djibriel

1.11: North Mountain

Enemies: Rock Slug, Gaelicat, Cockatrice, Headstone, Magissa, Forza

Treasures: Gold Needle, Phoenix Down

Blue Magic: OAero, OFlash

Rock Slugs are boring. They do battle, and they're weak to Fire-elemental attacks, including and solely limited to your OFire spells.

Gaelicats are the most prolific enemies on the mountain, and by their very nature of being freaky sentient cats who try to employ leaves as primitive wings, they are Floating, which is still of no concern to you. They may evade your physical attacks, so if you have unblockable attacks to favor, favor them. Their Special is called !Cat Scratch and is essentially the same attack as the most powerful physical attack Final Fantasy VI's Wild Boy Gau was able to perform. It's much weaker here, though.

Cockatrices are the most dangerous enemies here, since they have a 33% chance every turn to use, next to Attack, !Dive (which is merely a stronger version of their physical attack) and Beak. Beak sets the Petrify status ailment, which renders the target unable to take action, unable to be targeted by any 'attack' that doesn't remove the Petrify effect, and is marked as 'defeated', which means that the character in question won't obtain ABP or Experience when he exits the battle Petrified, and that a team full of Petrified characters will get you a Game Over. Cure Petrified characters with a Gold Needle as soon as you can. You can steal them from the Cockatrices themselves, too.

Headstone are the most interesting enemies to face around here as they'll be nice to you if you know how to work them. First off, they have common AccessorySilver Specs on them. AccessorySilver Specs share the AccessoryLeather Shoes its + 1 Defense and + 1 Magic Defense and protects against the Darkness status to boot. Why AccessoryLeather Shoes are always favored by selecting Optimum is a mystery as they are flat-out inferior to the AccessorySilver Specs. Headstone aren't very dangerous so make sure to Steal AccessorySilver Specs whenever Headstone and Thieves meet (obviously, four is plenty). The other notable feature of Headstone is the fact it often tries to use OFlash while not having the MP to do so. Luckily, feeding them an Ether will give them the MP to use OFlash so your Blue Mage(s) can learn it. Know that the Learning character needs to be affected by the spell in order to learn it, so if you equip him with AccessorySilver Specs he won't be able to learn the attack. Oh yeah, and they nullify Fire-, Ice- and Wind-elemental attacks, so OThunder is the way to go.

If you have a Thief, there's no reason to skip on !Stealing 4 AccessorySilver Specs at this point of the game, and if you have a character who can learn Blue Magic, be sure to use an Ether on one of the Headstones to have it cast OFlash, as it's a truly useful attack to be able to perform. Make sure that your character in question isn't wearing the AccessorySilver Specs you stole, as he or she won't be able to learn the spell if it has no effect.

This is a very simple and straightforward path leading up, alternating through caves and slopes. The first room contains two chests containing a Phoenix Down and a Soft. After a slope and another cave you'll wind up on a slope filled with purple plants about which we have been warned by a Carwen NPC; these little guys are poisonous. Indeed, stepping on them will set the Poison status ailment on every character in your party, so avoid them at all costs. If you take a wrong turn immediately heal up with your White caster's OPoisona spell. This is where those blasted Cockatrices start to show up, by the way, so keep your eye out for Petrification.

You now pass through a cave with a Save Point. Use it, there's something exciting about to happen. On the next slope, Lenna will spot her father's HelmetMythril Helm lying on the ground and will be immediately shot by a poisoned arrow when she tries to pick it up.

Meet Magissa, a powerful sorceress of some sorts who came looking for the Wind Drake in order to kill it and sell its horn, together with her freakish mutant 'husband'. She blocks your path by letting a part of the mountain crash down, but this isn't enough to stop Faris. She finds a way there and soon enough you'll be facing the magical mistress herself.

Oh! Look at that outfit!

Bestiary #246
Attack Mult.
Magic Atk.
Mag. Def.
Mag. Evade
Stolen Items
Dropped Items
Common: WhipWhip
Command Immunities
Elemental Immunities
Catch, Control
Elemental Absorb
Elemental Weakness
Blue Magic
Status Immunities
Magissa uses primarily magic, with only a 33% chance of a physical attack every other turn. She will call Forza into the battle once she hits 300HP or less; Forza is a physical brawler. The former can be silenced, and the latter can be put to sleep. Using OProtect for front row characters is a good idea.

Bestiary #247
Attack Mult.
Magic Atk.
Mag. Def.
Mag. Evade
Stolen Items
Dropped Items
Common: Power Drink
Command Immunities
Elemental Immunities
Catch, Control
Elemental Absorb
Elemental Weakness
Blue Magic
Status Immunities
Magissa uses primarily magic, with only a 33% chance of a physical attack every other turn. She will call Forza into the battle once she hits 300HP or less; Forza is a physical brawler. The former can be silenced, and the latter can be put to sleep. Using OProtect for front row characters is a good idea.

Magissa attacks you with a specific set of spells, which goes like this:
  • 1st turn: 33% each:
    • OFire
    • OBlizzard
    • OThunder
  • 2nd turn: 33% each:

When Magissa has 300 Hit Points left or less, her first action will consist out of calling her hubby. I'm not sure of a seven-foot elemental golem or whatever the hell Forza is counts as a hubby, but surely any woman who takes a liking to whips can be counted on to spend her life with some guy who listens to her every command so even if Forza is human, he's still dead on the inside. At any rate, as soon as Forza has entered the battlefield Magissa's first action is casting ORegen on him. Afterwards, she'll continue with her normal spell AI script.

Note that it is entirely possible to not see Forza at all if you manage to shave off Magissa's remaining 300 HP before she is able to take a turn, in which case you'll be screwed out of Forza's admittedly unimportant 100% drop, as well as his Bestiary entry.

Forza just uses physical attacks, either 66% Attack or 33% !Tackle, which is 150% times as strong. His physical attacks are quite powerful, especially !Tackle. Thieves and Monks had better beware.

How to take care of them? Magissa falls to the Silence status ailment, so any White Mage or other character with the level 2 White command may cast it on her to stop all of her spells. Forza is vulnerable to OSleep, so Black Mages or level 2 !Black casters may utilize that. The Blue spell OFlash works on both targets, and while Magissa won't suffer from it one bit in her magic-based strategy the blinded Forza will suddenly be hitting a lot less effectively when he grumpily wakes up from the you-induced Sleep status. A OProtect spell on those in the Front Row is also not a bad idea.

After the vicious beauty and the beast have been dispatched, you'll obtain up to two future-oriented items: a WhipWhip from Magissa and provided Forza made a showing, a Power Drink. The Power Drink is an item that can be consumed by the !Drink command you'll gain access to later in the game and the WhipWhip is a weapon for the Beastmaster, a Job you'll gain access to later.

The WhipWhip is the strongest weapon you have at this point, and it's made even more powerful by the fact it deals the same amount of damage from the Back Row and the fact it randomly has the additional effect of Paralyzing Magic Beast-type creatures. You could switch a character to the Freelancer Class and equip it right now, but you don't need this weapon at this time though, and it's certainly not worth the loss of ABP's it would mean should you want to use it.

Walking on gets you to a cliff where Hiryu, the last Wind Drake of this world is resting. Lenna'll casually throw her life away to heal the Wind Drake, but thankfully the Wind Drake has restorative powers previously not mentioned. Silly Lenna and her silly antics, walking in poisonous flowers like that. Bartz' acrophobia is subject to everybody's hilarity; remember to kill them all when they least expect it.

You automatically take off. This is the Wind Drake modus transporti of this game. The Wind Drake can't land in deserts, the sea, forests, mountains and the handicapped zone. What you can do is fly a circle around Carwen to show everybody the guy who tipped us off was telling the truth. Sure enough, entering Carwen and talking to the guy reveals that he's swimming in narcissistic him- love, but he'll do that even if you didn't flex your Wind Drake so we are not to blame.

Walse lies to the south. Engage!

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy V
Version 6
©1997–2024 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.