Channel Statistics
Statistics generated from Sunday 13 Jan 2002 to Wednesday 10 Nov 2021
4679 people visited #narshe during this 7242-day reporting period
1. Main page | 2. User Stats | 3. Detailed info
4614 other nicks just watched other people talk...
4679 people visited #narshe during this 7242-day reporting period
1. Main page | 2. User Stats | 3. Detailed info
Hours 0-6 | Hours 6-12 | Hours 12-18 | Hours 18-24 |
When do we actually talk here?
4.0 | 3.1 | 2.0 | 0.9 | 0.5 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.6 | 2.2 | 4.5 | 5.1 | 5.3 | 5.6 | 6.2 | 6.4 | 6.4 | 6.3 | 5.5 | 5.3 | 5.8 | 6.8 | 6.7 | 5.5 | 4.8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Weekly chat activity
Sunday 10.4% |
Monday 15.7% |
Tuesday 16.3% |
Wednesday 16.7% |
Thursday 16.1% |
Friday 15.5% |
Saturday 9.3% |
50 most talkative nicks
Nick | Lines Spoken | Sample Quote | |
1 | R51 | 1022817 | "Tiddles: I have a baby!" |
2 | Nealio | 693904 | "I work for Capital One" |
3 | Zombor | 227366 | "<c_calculus> Lol me and Ash are superior to the rest of y'all men" |
4 | Gabe | 219883 | "Its all about Adult Contemporary" |
5 | Tiddles | 184881 | "One side of the top of the shell seems to be warped and sticking out." |
6 | Dragon_Fire | 174903 | "we'll be done in a sec" |
7 | Zero_Hawk | 160877 | "stop being manly for a minute" |
8 | MogMaster | 129215 | "That should take all of 2 seconds" |
9 | Sabin | 118969 | "Automatic douchebag." |
10 | Hanyou | 112299 | "Mmm...Quiznos, much better than Subway." |
11 | Del_S | 103531 | "Keep it far from here" |
12 | Death_Penalty | 102129 | "I always welcome an editor :D" |
13 | Salamando | 100481 | "Music, yes. But, I'm not here seems to be that my IP has changed and my DYNDNS won't track it." |
14 | Phoenix | 96555 | "A Sony player would be sweet, I'm sure; I just can't see one selling for 30" |
15 | EvilEye | 95126 | "More than half my eggs I've had since 2016" |
16 | Mimic | 87664 | "This weekend I've got like, a BBQ tomorrow night, camping saturday and a meal on Sunday." |
17 | Elena99 | 86495 | "Haven't we proved that before?" |
18 | malevolence | 80985 | "i'm listening to a song where this guy just rhymed party with party 18 times" |
19 | footbigmike | 70168 | "Hmm, it seems you are right." |
20 | Xenon | 65188 | "How do I resize a picture?" |
21 | FraudulentTommah | 62037 | "It will probably happen eventually" |
22 | Karasuman | 61130 | "Peter explained lots of stuff to you. :)" |
23 | Kappakins | 60571 | "Black people don't do science" |
24 | Laszlow | 53344 | "probably twelve bucks, then" |
25 | Hikaroo | 51146 | "Problem SORT OF solved." |
26 | Olly | 47627 | "Because I just managed to kill 2 panthers and myself with a fire spell" |
27 | Soup | 44373 | "18 square inch Marine Stingers sign ftw" |
28 | Narratorway | 40099 | "I tried using jIRC but it never finished connecting. Now the screen is partway tranparent." |
29 | SSJ_Cloud | 32408 | "Was she able to get on and talk to you guys for a bit today?" |
30 | Super_Moogle | 31912 | "The kamikaze is a mixed drink." |
31 | Kame | 29724 | "Is it running around trying to steal nuts?" |
32 | Sherick | 28372 | "no one seems to care" |
33 | murrrr | 27980 | "i am forcing neal to listen to it" |
34 | RelmArrowney | 27358 | "I've never seen a single Star Wars movie, actually." |
35 | Mr_Thou | 26010 | "still have time, it doesn't start for an hour" |
36 | Hibashira | 25213 | "after night nurses 3 it can't be topped" |
37 | Cazboab | 22302 | "i ping in your general direction" |
38 | Glenn_Magus_Harvey | 21687 | "malevolence: well, i was always into politics, just never quite involved in the nitty-gritty itself." |
39 | DarkPaladin | 21405 | "" |
40 | ThePinkNu | 19527 | "Or even after the first few games." |
41 | SgtDellius | 18768 | "That may have been something else." |
42 | SilverMaduin | 18525 | "See ya, you laughing-gas manifestations..." |
43 | Nytecrawla | 17936 | "Uijongbo is an awesome city" |
44 | Figaro | 15307 | "Poor Penix is being tortured." |
45 | Spoony_Bard | 15165 | "hiya Intoxicated_Elf" |
46 | Relm | 15126 | "WoW and its expansions might have burned everyone out" |
47 | FallingHeart | 14839 | "Of coufse the natice amareicans suck." |
48 | Zephir | 14499 | "I said it was ants vs. termintes." |
49 | Gerad | 13295 | "does tiggle-bear have a cold?" |
50 | NeoEx-Death | 12656 | "All your women are belong to us?" |
The runner-up list
MeHael (12442) | doughnut (12194) | Shinrin (11317) | Gozaru (11030) | Djibriel (10349) |
Rubicant (10103) | Mewsevelt (10041) | IainPeregrine (9751) | Stiltz (8283) | Tonepoet (7223) |
Iceman (7127) | vB (7072) | DisasterChild8 (6949) | MarquisElmdor (6918) | Phunbaba (6778) |
4614 other nicks just watched other people talk...
Time of day stats
Nightcrawlers (Hours 0-6) |
Early birds (Hours 6-12) |
Afternoon shift (Hours 12-18) |
Evening chatters (Hours 18-24) |
1 | Nealio - 57765 | R51 - 298987 |
R51 - 443261 | R51 - 267506 |
2 | Zero_Hawk - 47713 | Nealio - 126579 |
Nealio - 272027 | Nealio - 237533 |
3 | MogMaster - 41427 | Zombor - 113524 |
Zombor - 89727 | Gabe - 99517 |
4 | Dragon_Fire - 29204 | EvilEye - 37106 |
Tiddles - 87458 | Dragon_Fire - 79389 |
5 | Phoenix - 26071 | Gabe - 29263 |
Gabe - 80287 | Tiddles - 66552 |
6 | Tiddles - 23041 | Death_Penalty - 28683 |
Del_S - 64268 | Zero_Hawk - 62921 |
7 | Sabin - 19550 | footbigmike - 23192 |
Dragon_Fire - 58822 | Sabin - 57808 |
8 | Elena99 - 18351 | Salamando - 22335 |
Death_Penalty - 44269 | MogMaster - 57580 |
9 | FraudulentTommah - 17296 | Del_S - 21913 |
Salamando - 43997 | Elena99 - 50842 |
10 | Hikaroo - 14841 | Olly - 16936 |
Hanyou - 42054 | Hanyou - 48508 |
#narshe relation map
• Line thickness corresponds to the relation strength | |||||||
• Line colors show the relation importance for each nick | |||||||
Topic tracking
10 latest topics from #narshe
At | Topic | Nick |
24 Jan 2011 12:18 | Caves of Narshe Chat || | Nealio |
12 Jan 2011 18:14 | Caves of Narshe Chat || || Thanks to everyone who participated in the Final Fantasy music showdown! http://www.cavesofnar... | Nealio |
7:31 | Caves of Narshe Chat || || Thanks to everyone who participated in the Final Fantasy music showdown! | R51 |
7 Jan 2011 13:33 | Caves of Narshe Chat || || CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL ROUND: TERRA vs DANCING MAD! | Nealio |
3 Jan 2011 10:58 | Caves of Narshe Chat || || Father Christmog has left us again, lonely and pining for the next Christmas where he will once again bring his jolly bag of yeti toys. | R51 |
23 Dec 2010 11:19 | Caves of Narshe Chat || || Father Christmog has arrived! Ho ho ho! | R51 |
16 Dec 2010 11:28 | Caves of Narshe Chat || || Final Fantasy Music Contest: - Round 3 has begun! | Nealio |
26 Nov 2010 11:36 | Caves of Narshe Chat || || Final Fantasy Music Contest: - Round 1 has begun! | Nealio |
21 Nov 2010 8:25 | Caves of Narshe Chat || || Final Fantasy Music Contest: || Brackets released! | Tiddles |
19 Nov 2010 14:39 | Caves of Narshe Chat || || Final Fantasy Music Contest: ...ic=15029 || Brackets released! | Nealio |
10 random topics
At | Topic | Nick |
16 Aug 2010 7:38 | Caves of Narshe Chat || CoN is 13! || http://www.cavesofn... | R51 |
29 Jun 2008 13:01 | Caves of Narshe Chat || || It's gonna be fun on a bun. || SallyFight is now active! Type !sallyfight help for more information and join #sallyfight to watch ensuing battles. | Tiddles |
19 Jun 2007 12:35 | Caves of Narshe Chat || || Contest Signup Open: | R51 |
2 Apr 2005 19:34 | Caves of You Started It, Tiddles || || For more thoughtful remembrance of the Pope than an IRC character limit allows , try | Nealio |
12 Oct 2004 1:06 | Caves of Neal Chat || | Nealio |
16 Jun 2003 19:58 | Caves of Narshe Chat || || Stats are actually functional. Enjoy. || Attn: RPers - we really are drenched in butter. || Sabin is my hero! <3! -Neal || Show me. Show you. Kikkoman, Kikkoman. | Tiddles |
10 Jun 2003 23:30 | Caves of Narshe Chat || || Attn: RPers - we really are drenched in butter. || Concatenation || ;_; | Tiddles |
17 Nov 2002 1:38 | Caves of Narshe [ ] or [ http://www.cavesofnarshe.... ]:: A cookie for whoever finds a high-res Mr. Sparkle wallpaper. :: Summon Ramuh. For measly damage !! :: | Nealio |
21 Apr 2002 20:21 | 2,0 Caves of Narshe 12,0[ 2, |