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Can't use characters with diacritics on forum

Posted: 16th September 2024 13:11

Maniacal Clown
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I previously reported in the CoN Discord chat that it's not possible to type an e with an acute accent (e.g. the fourth letter when spelling "Pokemon" properly) into my forum signature. Previously, it'd just end up being parsed as some mojibake, but as of a few months ago or earlier, trying to save my signature with it would just produce an error with a blank error message.

Well, I recently tried including this character in a post, and I got that same blank error message. It doesn't work in signatures, posts, or (as I've now discovered) post titles.

This error seems to happen for both the uppercase version (Unicode U+00C9) and the lowercase version (Unicode U+00E9). I suspect this problem might be the case for other characters, as I've tested a with an acute accent as well as c with a cedilla; both also produce the same blank error message. So I'm wondering if it's a whole block of characters with diacritics that just don't work.

Edit: oh my gosh, this is actually wilder than I thought. Somehow, despite giving me an error, the forum still somehow "accepted" the thread creation process, and now I have three blank threads that are missing OPs, and I don't even know how (e.g. was it a funny character in this place but not that place?) they were created.

Edit: hahahahahaha it can get wilder. i can reply to OP-less threads and now my reply looks like an OP lmao
it doesn't let me edit the thread title so it's not "really" an OP
but it also doesn't count as a reply????? thread still says zero replies lol, this s### is wilder than i thought

This post has been edited by Glenn Magus Harvey on 16th September 2024 13:19

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Post #217416
Posted: 24th September 2024 15:33

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Totes Adorbs
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Second place in the CoN World Cup soccer competition, 2018. First place in CoNCAA, 2018. Celebrated the CoN 20th Anniversary at the forums. Vital involvement in the Final Fantasy IX section of CoN. 
First place in the CoN Euro Cup soccer competition, 2016. Voted for all the fanart in the CoNvent Calendar 2015. Voted for all the fanart in the CoNvent Calendar 2014. Third place in the CoN World Cup fantasy game for 2014. 
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I prómise I haven't been åvoiding this thread. This bug was çaused by the upgrades that have been going on all šummer, and they also impačted the main site content as well, which meant I had to ŵait until everything was complete before figuring out the right course of actioñ and actually being able to fix it in a way that wouldn't get blown away during system-wide changes.

It looks to me like things are in good shape at this point and I think you can probably even use system emojis easily now if your device lets you. 🤞

"To create something great, you need the means to make a lot of really bad crap." - Kevin Kelly

Why aren't you shopping AmaCoN?
Post #217419
Posted: 24th September 2024 18:25

Maniacal Clown
Posts: 5,438

Joined: 31/10/2003

Third place in CoNCAA, 2019. Celebrated the CoN 20th Anniversary at the forums. Voted for all the fanart in the CoNvent Calendar 2015. Voted for all the fanart in the CoNvent Calendar 2014. 
User has rated 75 fanarts in the CoN galleries. Member of more than ten years. Contributed to the Final Fantasy VI section of CoN. User has rated 25 fanarts in the CoN galleries. 
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Check the "What games are you playing at the moment?" thread for updates on what I've been playing.

You can find me on the Fediverse! I use Mastodon, where I am @[email protected] ( )
Post #217420
Posted: 17th October 2024 15:34

Onion Knight
Posts: 25

Joined: 14/6/2024

ʼnįčė! Ťĥāʼnķš.
I didn't know what those markings were called until now.
Post #217430
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