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Final Fantasy Tactics FAQ: Suggest Questions

Posted: 10th March 2003 12:50

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As with similar threads in the other forums, the aim of this is to collect questions and answers which should go on our FAQ page for Final Fantasy Tactics.


It makes our lives immeasurably easier if you can provide an answer with your suggested question, or a link to the answer, either from another topic on the forum where you may have asked the question originally, or from an external source.

This post has been edited by Rangers51 on 2nd February 2004 01:52

"To create something great, you need the means to make a lot of really bad crap." - Kevin Kelly

Why aren't you shopping AmaCoN?
Post #9449
Posted: 4th April 2003 19:22

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2. Where's the Materia Blade?
4. Stealing from Elmdor is IMPOSSIBLE! Any tips?

Moderator Edit
Check the brand-new FFT FAQ, it's in there. -R51

This post has been edited by Rangers51 on 18th September 2003 18:17
Post #10573
Posted: 16th April 2003 15:16

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How do I get Ultima?
How do I get Beowulf and/or Reis?
How do I get Worker 8?
How do I turn Reis into a human?
How do I get Cloud?
How do I get a Chaos Blade?
How do I defeat Wiegraf in the duel battle?
How do I defeat Velius?

Moderator Edit
Check the brand-new FFT FAQ, it's in there. -R51

This post has been edited by Rangers51 on 18th September 2003 18:11

Hey, put the cellphone down for a while
In the night there is something wild
Can you hear it breathing?
And hey, put the laptop down for a while
In the night there is something wild
I feel it, it's leaving me
Post #11139
Posted: 30th April 2003 23:42

Black Waltz
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How do i get the Estuchean II and Javelin II?

Moderator Edit
Check the brand-new FFT FAQ, it's in there. -R51

This post has been edited by Rangers51 on 18th September 2003 18:38

This one time I punched a bear in the forehead TO DEATH! I still have the scars on my chest. I am the manliest man that ever did man.

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Post #11745
Posted: 18th September 2003 18:44

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All of the good questions and answers above this post have been added to the FFT FAQ today, 18 September.

"To create something great, you need the means to make a lot of really bad crap." - Kevin Kelly

Why aren't you shopping AmaCoN?
Post #17962
Posted: 27th October 2003 21:22

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Just thought I'll add some of my tips for this question :

Stealing from Elmdor is hard...any tips?

Constantly raising Speed with Ramza on your Thief raises both the number of steals you can perform before Elmdor acts, and the percentage of stealing. In the spirit of acting a lot more than Elmdor, you should know that he's sensible to Slow, and that you can reduce his Speed to 1 with a knight equiped with Speed Break. Also, try to steal the shield first, as it raises the percentage when you steal from the front and the sides (and steal the Masamune in second, so he'll be less inclined to use his Sword Spirit : he'll come to punch you, because he's equiped with Martial Arts, and forget about the annoying Muramasa and its confusing effects).

Also, go check out this topic, since I added personnal verified facts on Propositions (except the part were Propositions disappear, all the rest is verified information)

This post has been edited by Mr Thou on 19th November 2003 20:15
Post #19810
Posted: 27th October 2003 21:26

Onion Knight
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You should also list some of the 'godly' parties you have... ie Ramza as a thief with basic skill (yelling increases speed and you can use it to steal... stealing requires speed) stuff like that...

The 'scroll' glitch should be explained in detail... i see alot of people asking about this one on FAQs. Also a good description of the job classes and a 'rating' system (ie. mediator *** stars- only useful in getting monsters).

Also, a detailed character map would be cool, stating the 'reqs' for such and such class, because there has been countless times i couldnt remember how to get the 'samurai' job class.

Just a idea. smile.gif

This post has been edited by Ramzah on 27th October 2003 22:22


Dealing out the agony within
charging hard and no one's gonna give in
Living on your knees, conformity
or dying on your feet for honesty
Inbred, our bodies work as one
bloody, but never cry submission
Following our instinct not a trend
go against the grain until the end...
Post #19812
Posted: 5th November 2003 11:51

Treasure Hunter
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I want to use the Chirijiriden Samurai ability but I don't want to waste my sword, what do I do?

catch them from the HORROR ninjas

With the catch ability as my counter, I have a hard time when I don't run into ninjas down in HORROR

(my solution) make one character a ninja (cause of the high speed) and give him/her secret clothes, thief hat and sprint shoes to increase his/her speed, keep that char out of harms way and NEVER act. Then make the only other characters you bring females wearing chantage, barettes, and reflect mail (chantage for re-raise, reflect mail to avoid those pesky spells and barette to avoid petrification). So long as you keep your transparent ninja transparent (don't act, get hurt or get any negative status effects) you can't lose the battle and your chars will keep reviving, eventually you'll run into the ninjas

note: personally I make my females have item so you can revive any ninjas that accidentally get death sentence (as they may throw something useful)

Club Sandwiches. Not Seals.
Post #20303
Posted: 9th November 2003 23:56

Treasure Hunter
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Neal simply go to and look for the tactics game it tells you how to get every secret character there Bewolf is awesome DO NOT GET RID OF HIM simply train him till you have break and shock and then hes unstobble but reis isnt to great and worker 8 is the coolest

Moderator Edit
Please try reading what a post is about before responding, thanks. Or, to put it succinctly in the words of the SA forums, lurk more. -R51

This post has been edited by Rangers51 on 10th November 2003 03:24
Post #20568
Posted: 11th November 2003 16:58

Magitek Soldier
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How do you get the strongest summon in the deep dungeons.

Moderator Edit
Hey, there, chief, read the forums before asking questions. Also, pay attention to what the thread is for. -R51

This post has been edited by Rangers51 on 11th November 2003 18:24

I will be the mustard of your doom!
Post #20661
Posted: 16th November 2003 18:36

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hey could any one who reads this check this out:

every time I play through the game I turn the first male chemist u get into a knight with item as a secondary ability and he does have lower HP than other knights but he has had a better attack usually dealing more damage and then when I turn him into a lancer he becomes even better. is this true for all or just a lucky fluke in all of my games?

Moderator Edit
Wow, the guy posting right above you gets chewed out for ignoring what this thread is for, and then you go and do the same thing. You're brilliant! -R51

This post has been edited by Rangers51 on 16th November 2003 18:45

"Have you ever seen a baby do that before?"
Post #21297
Posted: 1st February 2004 21:36

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How do you get into the Deep Dungeon?

I cleared Igros Castle in Chapter 4 but when i go to the bar in Warji... trade city nothing happens!

Moderator Edit
As with similar threads in the other forums, the aim of this is to collect questions and answers which should go on our FAQ page for Final Fantasy Tactics.


It makes our lives immeasurably easier if you can provide an answer with your suggested question, or a link to the answer, either from another topic on the forum where you may have asked the question originally, or from an external source.

This post has been edited by Rangers51 on 2nd February 2004 01:36

"Isn't ramza a girls name?" -me

i havent changed my avatar or anything in a long time! time for a change yall!
Post #27934
Posted: 2nd February 2004 01:29

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this site's Walkthrough was wrong because it said you have to clear Igros Castle to unlock Deep Dungeon which is incorrect that is why i posted in the first place. And i dont like that you moderate me when i have a legitamte question. I though this is questions that should be put on the website about FFT not FF7. Everyone else posted about FFT so im sorry if i got confused.

The way to get Deep Dungeon is you have to clear St. Murond Temple. Check your walkthough

Moderator Edit
OK, you have a couple points, and a couple non-points.
  • I don't know why it said FF7 questions in here. That was silly, and I fixed it.
  • I can't recall the correct path into Deep Dungeon. If you're right, we'll fix it. You should post any further errors in the Errors Forum.
  • You were moderated because you did not follow what the rules of the forum were. Legitimate question or not, it's off topic here.

If you have any further questions or complaints, you should PM me. Don't clutter the forums with posts like that, please. -R51

This post has been edited by Rangers51 on 2nd February 2004 01:59

"Isn't ramza a girls name?" -me

i havent changed my avatar or anything in a long time! time for a change yall!
Post #27941
Posted: 21st February 2004 14:15

Onion Knight
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How do you learn the Zodiac Summon Spell?

You can learn Zodiac in the story battle against Elidibs in END, the last floor on the
Deep Dungeon.

A summoner must be hit with the spell, but the spell will probably kill the summoner.
With high Brave and MP Switch, the summoner can survive Zodiac and learn it.

Also bring Worker 8 if you have him so that Elidibs targets him as well.

After that, you must beat the stage. To do so, use fire spells on the Apandas,
since they are weak to it. The Byblos is also weak against fire, and I think the game
does not say so, just as the Steel Giant (Worker 8 and Worker 7 New) are weak
to the lighting element.

Also when stealing the Genji equipment from Elmdor, or stealing from anyone,
steal the shield first to raise the success rate.

I want this world to change for good. I want to see Final Fantasy, the world of swords and magic.
Post #30121
Posted: 14th April 2004 00:56

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here's a few FFTA FAQs

Are Final Fantasy Tactics the same as Final Fantasy tactics advance?

Nope, they are completely different.
the only thing it shares is that there world shares , Ivallice.
but it's VERY different compared to Final fantasy tactics.
you start the game as Marshe and you'll be in a showball fight.
it'll last about a few turns.
and the differences: You have to learn abilites from weapons and armor instead of buying them with JPs.
JPs are called "Judge points" instead of "Job points"
Special Characters will join you late in the game instead of early.
you will be guested by Ritz and Shara at a few missions. (but there is one where you have to face them and their clan in battle)
there are 5 races to use.(Humans, Viera, Moogle, Nu Mou, and Bangaa)
humans can use lots of jobs. and it makes them fun to play around with
Viera is an all female race. (and you can guess that Ritz is in the Viera race instead of the human race) they got some killer jobs here.
Moogles are good with tools and magic. train one or two well and you'll have a killer moogle.
Nu Mou is mosly have the magic jobs. if you train them right, then you might have a powerful magic user on your side.
and Bangaas are a bumch of lizards (but don't say that to them or it'll offence them) they love to battle. they are the strongest of the jobs and their jobs can take advange of this.
each race have their own jobs. (there are few of them that have the same jobs tho) you can learn new jobs by the number of action abilites you've learned, there will be a judge to watch every battle except Jagds areas, lawless slums. no judge, no laws. but you must becarefull here, if marshe is knocked out here, it's game over. (avoid bringing him here if you can't risk an auto game over) if anybody gets knocked out, you better bring someone with Life, full-life, Phoenix, and Phoenix down before the end of the battle, or you'll loss anybody who has fallen.
and as for Cid, he's a Judgemaster, the master of all judges
hope this covers it.
you don't need to worry about losing characters after 3 turns and turned into a crystal or a treasure chest. they will remain even after the battle is over. (but make sure you revived everybody in the Jagds, since you can lose good characters after the battle is over and knocked out.

aaahhhh!!!!!! the judge has gave one of my characters cards and sented them to jail because I broke a law! is there any way to avoid this from happening again?
press Select at the beginging of each battle and see what you should do and what is recommanded.

didn't the learning ablities from weapons came from a different game?

yes. FF9 also had the same weapon learning system.

how many missions are there?
there are 0ver 300 missions.
other then the 300 main missions, there is also missions that don't count.
such as link missions, get character mission, clan league matches,
Reserve missons and some extras as well.

the Flan type monster only take about 2 points of damage whenever I hit it with a weapon. any tips?

Yes, altho they are VERY strong to Physical attacks, their magic defence is really low. so sent some magic attacks aganst them and they won't last long against Magic users.
or another way, you could get a tamer and take control of a flan and make them use "Sacrifice" and have it heal your party and the Flan gets KOed!
and luckly they arn't in FFT to give you any trouble.

do you have to charge magic to use them?
in FFT, yes
in FFTA, nope

This post has been edited by Mewmon on 7th September 2004 19:54
Post #37480
Posted: 22nd April 2004 02:53
Chocobo Knight
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One thing to remember, though, is that if you take steps to increase your brave too high, your character will leave the party forever, and if their brave is too low, they will also leave the party forever. The same holds true with faith.

This is exactly half right. You can raise Brave or lower Faith all you want without worrying about people leaving. If permanent Brave is lower than 6 (which is unlikely, as below 10 Brave you become a chicken and gain 1 Brave per turn), the character will leave. If permanent Faith is higher than 94, the character will leave (the Faith status does not count for this).

Brave determines how much damage will be given and taken from physical attacks.

This paragraph is completely wrong. Other things that Brave does determine are damage of fists (with Martial Arts, which Monks have innate), Katanas, and Knight Swords. It is also the percent chance that you will get the bad item from Move-Find Item (for example, Phoenix Downs in the Deep Dungeon), as mentioned in a later section.

This post has been edited by JVTruman on 22nd April 2004 02:54
Post #38584
Posted: 24th April 2004 22:28

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I asked this question in the forums earlier and recieved an incorrect answer. Figured I might as well post what I learned here:

Can you revisit propostitions if you fail them?

Not immediately, no. But after a period of time(probably a year) the propositions will become available again. The barkeep will say something to you like "I think I've already told you this..." and you will have a chance to complete the proposition again.

"That Light has bestowed upon me the greatest black magic!"
Post #38969
Posted: 20th May 2004 21:04

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Quote (Rubicant @ 4th April 2003 14:22)
2. Where's the Materia Blade?
4. Stealing from Elmdor is IMPOSSIBLE! Any tips?

Moderator Edit
Check the brand-new FFT FAQ, it's in there. -R51

Its in bervernia volcano
highest point on the map

Ramza has to get hit by ultima as a squire byum i forget the boss, but you have to have ramza at level 99, heck it was hard
Post #43663
Posted: 20th May 2004 21:12

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Quote (edge murasame @ 11th November 2003 11:58)
How do you get the strongest summon in the deep dungeons.

Moderator Edit
Hey, there, chief, read the forums before asking questions. Also, pay attention to what the thread is for. -R51

You haver to get hit by the last boss in THE END with the nine apandas.
heres how
make ramza a summoner,
equipe armor on him,
get hit by the summon, but don't die, finish the battle
recieve the summon

(equip move-find for the deep dungeon levels to rack up the big items)
Post #43665
Posted: 20th May 2004 21:51

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Quote (Bloody_Velius @ 20th May 2004 17:12)
Quote (edge murasame @ 11th November 2003 11:58)
How do you get the strongest summon in the deep dungeons.

Moderator Edit
Hey, there, chief, read the forums before asking questions. Also, pay attention to what the thread is for. -R51

You haver to get hit by the last boss in THE END with the nine apandas.
heres how
make ramza a summoner,
equipe armor on him,
get hit by the summon, but don't die, finish the battle
recieve the summon

(equip move-find for the deep dungeon levels to rack up the big items)

You should probably read what the purpose of this topic is too before posting (and double posting against the rules, mind you).

"To create something great, you need the means to make a lot of really bad crap." - Kevin Kelly

Why aren't you shopping AmaCoN?
Post #43686
Posted: 23rd May 2004 00:19
Chocobo Knight
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It turns out that the corrections I posted were for things in the FFT Newbie Guide, not the FAQ.
Post #44023
Posted: 19th February 2005 10:24

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Well, at all the messageboards I go to, this question frequently comes up:

Can Ramza ever become a Holy Knight, Dark Knight, etc.?

Nope. A squire is all he is and all he'll ever be.

It's gonna be a glorious day
I feel my luck can change
Post #73347
Posted: 27th May 2005 05:13

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The way of deating Wiegraf in Riovanes Castle in your FAQ seems a bit difficult.
This is the method I have always used and maybe you will find it beneficial smile.gif
I find it easier because i doesn't require any advanced job such as Lancer.

All u need is Ramza as a Squire and he must be able to use X-Potions (Chemist Job ability).

His skills should be:

Auto Potion (make sure u only have X-pots)
Attack UP (or wtv else u want really)
Move +2 (or +3 if u got it yet)

Give him whatever equipment u want, but i recommend Geriminas Shoes.

Just keep running as far away from Wiegraf as possible and continue to use YELL (Guts ability). If you're really scared, increase speed until 50. Then, increase ur attack power using ACCUMULATE til 50 or wtv. U will get to attack 6times for each of Wiegrafs' turns. Hit him,kill him in onr shot. He uses the stone, your men rush in. You can even kill his minions and Velius before anyone else gets a chance to move. smile.gif

Captain on the Bridge!
Post #84567
Posted: 27th May 2005 07:54

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Lucky <3
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The walkthrough has that exact strategy already.

Hey, put the cellphone down for a while
In the night there is something wild
Can you hear it breathing?
And hey, put the laptop down for a while
In the night there is something wild
I feel it, it's leaving me
Post #84576
Posted: 30th May 2005 01:45

Posts: 5

Joined: 27/5/2005

Whoops, sorry!

I didnt need to look at the walkthru to beat the game laugh.gif tongue.gif

I kid my friend i kid. And yes i know this message is prob not allowed on this board

Captain on the Bridge!
Post #84893
Posted: 12th June 2005 15:27
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I cant kill Ruby or emerald weapon no matter how hard i me

Moderator Edit
Wrong thread. Reading is fundamental. -R51

This post has been edited by Rangers51 on 12th June 2005 20:24
Post #85921
Posted: 13th July 2005 06:30

Chocobo Knight
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First off, im probably stupid but i dont even see a FFT FAQ section. That said, i just read something in the newbie guide that would be nice to have in there. I was totally unaware that you get 1/6 the jp that someone does when they are leveling in that class. I always wondered why i could be leveling monk, but magically get a few hundred jp on wizard.

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research. - Steven Wright

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Post #89891
Posted: 13th July 2005 08:23

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There's no active link to the FAQ from the FFT forum, but you can find it here.

It's gonna be a glorious day
I feel my luck can change
Post #89906
Posted: 9th October 2005 20:45

Chocobo Knight
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Ok once again, probably not the right place for this but where to turn to heh...

I have 2 things to cover this time. First off the newbie guide is wrong about getting 1/6 jp for chars... its 1/4... i read it on some guy's website that broke down the entire game (including %age for EVERYTHING), just wish i could remember the site.

Second, I noticed an error on the walkthrough when I was playing today. After getting Cloud, I deleted everyone except my main team and went to Igros castle and killed Dycedarg. The walkthrough says you can go to deep dungeon after this. Well I went to Warjiis and it didn't open up. I was scared that I had to keep Mustadio around or something, so continued on with my game. After I finished the next part, Murond Holy Place, I decided to check again and now the dungeon is open.

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research. - Steven Wright

It doesn't matter what temperature the room is, it's always room temperature cool online galactic empire game
Post #99046
Posted: 1st November 2005 03:20

Holy Swordsman
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User has rated 150 fanarts in the CoN galleries. User has rated 75 fanarts in the CoN galleries. User has rated 25 fanarts in the CoN galleries. Member of more than five years. 
Actually dajdawg, they were correct in saying that one gains 1/6 of the JP from the other job.

As for the second part of your post, someone else will have to handle that.
Post #101525
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