Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy IV
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Final Fantasy IV Fanfiction

Twin Moons

by wyvern14

Part 1 (2008)
Part 2 (2008)
Part 3 (2008)
Part 4 (2008)
Part 5 (2008)
Part 6 (2008)
Part 7 (2008)
Part 8 (2008)
Part 9 (2008)
Part 10 (2008)
Part 11 (2008)
Part 12 (2008)
Part 13 (2008)

The first offering to CoN's fanfiction section from wyvern14, this tale explores the relationship between Rydia and Edge as the events of the game draw to their conclusion...

A Bards' Fallen Love

by Tesco


Third entrant overall in the 2008 Fanfic CoNtest but 4th in placings, this scene selection fic covers the tragic end of the love between Edward and Anna.

Sialla and Idi

by Zephir


Like his last FF4 fanfic, this is a short and funny piece that takes place in a familiar village, but with new characters (not characters in FF4).

A Day in the Lives...

by Zephir


Short and amusing, this fanfic gives the reader a view of a day in the lives of the young Mysidian twins, Palom and Porom.

A Call to Darkness

by SpacemanSpiff


An emotional fanfic from Kain's point of view, in-game, which shows his conflicting feelings for Rosa. Takes place just after the mission to the Village of Mist.

Reflect and Reveal

by SpacemanSpiff


Another short piece by SpacemanSpiff, this takes place before the mission to Mysidia at the start of the game. It's a good look at what's going on in the Dark Knight's mind before setting off.

Beneath the Mask

by SpacemanSpiff


This is an excellent look at a confrontation in the game that we probably should have gotten to see, but never did.

The Tower of Mist

by Sabin


The first submission from CoN Forumgoer Sabin, this one has a great storyline encompassing two of the three worlds of Final Fantasy IV. It's got a great premise and good characterization!

Submit your fanfics!

Have a Final Fantasy IV related fanfic you'd like to showcase here? Submit it here.

Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy IV
Version 6
©1997–2025 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

Note: this printable version may not contain the entire contents of the full version. In particular, web forms are removed, and any links you could check for further information on the given data are not shown. You may check the URL at the top of this document for the full and up-to-date version.
All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.