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Sony to Release PS2 in China

Playstation 2
Sony has scheduled release of it's Playstation 2 unit in China for December 20, despite massive potential for game piracy, according to CNN.
Sony will be the second company to begin console sales in China; Nintendo recently introduced it's iQue to the Chinese market and expressed intent to begin GameCube sales in the country as well.
The Chinese Playstation 2 will sell for about USD$240, and only two or three games will be available for the system upon launch.
In an effort to thwart game piracy, which is rampant in the Chinese market, Sony intends to sell it's Chinese releases of games at competitive retail prices of about USD$20.


I find it interesting to keep an eye on this emerging "official" Chinese gaming market, as opposed to piracy; I wonder if it will take flight?


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DisasterChild8Comment 1: 2003-12-09 15:32
DisasterChild8 Maybe this is just wishfull thinking, but if priacy goes down in china, maybe the price we pay for our games will go down a little bit? That would be cool!
Rangers51Comment 2: 2003-12-09 16:06
Quote (DisasterChild8 @ 9th December 2003 09:32)
Maybe this is just wishfull thinking, but if priacy goes down in china, maybe the price we pay for our games will go down a little bit? That would be cool!

Nobody really sells in China. Therefore, the piracy problem there is not taking very much away from sales, because there's nothing to sell. This move will not affect gamers elsewhere.
DisasterChild8Comment 3: 2003-12-09 18:42
DisasterChild8 Like i said, its probably just wishful thinking. but your point is well taken.
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