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Zodiac Age Coming for Steam in February

In what should be a predictable theme nowadays, Square Enix today announced that Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age will be released for Steam on Windows on February 1. The HD remake of the original Final Fantasy XII, released on PlayStation 2, first added new gameplay modes and a fast-forward feature, as well as reconciling some other updates between the original and the International Versions of the game. The PC version will take it a bit further, adding in some cheat options to make the game easier, as well as support for 60fps and ultra-wide 21:9 monitors.

Once the game is released, the game's producer and director will be taking to a YouTube livestream to walk through the PC version's new features and respond to players' comments pre-organized from Twitter. That will happen in the wee hours of February 2 for us in the Western Hemisphere.

I personally had waited a while to pick up this game, intending to grab it used at some point. Now that I know it will eventually end up on Steam sale, well, I might just wait a bit longer.

Source: Siliconera
Posted in: Square-Enix News, News from Japan, News from Europe, North America


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GalsicComment 1: 2018-02-02 21:52
Galsic Yay! Despite it's flaws, I always thought the PS2 version was a blast, and certainly a nice change from the previous FFs I played.
Rangers51Comment 2: 2018-02-03 00:07
Rangers51 Good timing on that comment, Galsic, as it's out now! Well, yesterday!
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