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Square Enix Shows Out at Latest Nintendo Direct

At yesterday's Nintendo Direct, Nintendo were very careful to warn users that there would be no discussion of the upcoming Switch successor. However, there were a lot of pretty great games announced and/or shown, and among them were a set of four games coming from Square Enix that will appeal to CoN readers today.

The first announcement came not just from Square Enix, but from Mistwalker, the current home of Final Fantasy progenitor Hironobu Sakaguchi. Squenix will publish a console release of Mistwalker's Apple Arcade game, Fantasian, sometime this coming winter. The original release of the game was three years ago; the new release will be for all current consoles and also PCs on Steam.

For Squenix themselves, the company showed a new trailer for the HD-2D remake of Dragon Quest III, as well as announcing a release date of November 14. It will also be released for all current consoles and PC. It looks and sounds as good as you'd expect from seeing previous HD-2D games from Square Enix and Artdink.

Dragon Quest III is the earliest game in terms of narrative in the original three games, though, so you might be wondering, what of the earlier-released games of the series? Turns out that Squenix sneaked another announcement into the new trailer; HD-2D releases of Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest II are also in production, and will be released sometime in 2025.

The final game from yesterday’s Direct was the announcement of another remake, this time Romancing SaGa 2. It's a fully-3D remake of the original 1993 Super Famicom game, complete with voice acting, and will be released October 24 of this year. This one won't come to Microsoft consoles but will still be released on other consoles and Steam.
Posted in: Square-Enix News, RPG News


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St KhaelComment 1: 2024-06-21 16:33
St Khael The Direct was amazing. We're getting an amazing selection of games and I'm very excited. In the case of Dragon Quest and Romancing SaGa, these will be my first experiences with these games and I'm looking forward to it. I'm very glad to hear that Fantasian will be getting a console port and I feel like game devs are feeding us well across the board. I think the phrase is "We're eating well" when it comes to media release and I agree with it that statement. The last few years have had some amazing releases and I'm grateful that it seems to be a continuing trend. Not that previous years have been bad, I'm just seeing more things that I'm excited for.

The new Zelda game also looks amazing and I'm definitely hype for it. Zelda has deserved a chance at being the MC for a very long time; ESPECIALLY after the CD-i games. It looks adorable and fun and that's really all I need. I hope you all have great experiences with all these games.

TimberManiacComment 2: 2024-06-21 18:14
TimberManiac For JRPG fans this Direct was a sight for sore eyes, at least as far as Square Enix is concerned. I'm very interested in Fantasian, Romancing SaGa 2, and the DQ remakes.
I actually didn't catch the full Direct due to work, so I'm just hearing about the individual games as people mention them to me.
St Khael's post informed me that there's a new Zelda game! I took a look & I would say I'm on board. Fans have been speculating about a non-CDi Zelda where we can play as the princess, so I say "why not?" We already had Linkle, after all. It lookes cutesy & lighthearted in the vein of 3DS Zelda games or the Link's Awakening remake. Perhaps that's what I need to relax a bit. I'm not a huge fan of crafting being jammed into everything, however. Breath of the Wild was a fun novelty, but Tears of the Kingdom massively burned me out on the open world/crafting stuff. I definitely want a more tailored experience akin to Ocarina of Time for the next mainline Zelda game. Overall, I'm really happy to see this!
Glenn Magus HarveyComment 3: 2024-06-29 18:11
Glenn Magus Harvey I'm loving how basically half the internet is pointing out that the CD-i games are indeed the first Zelda series games with playable main character Zelda.

Incidentally, that got me wondering whether anyone had remade Zelda's Adventure. Apparently, someone has!
Might be in need of some polish, but it's still good to know that this is getting love from fans.
Rangers51Comment 4: 2024-06-29 20:24
Quote (St Khael @ 21st June 2024 10:33)
The new Zelda game also looks amazing and I'm definitely hype for it. Zelda has deserved a chance at being the MC for a very long time; ESPECIALLY after the CD-i games. It looks adorable and fun and that's really all I need. I hope you all have great experiences with all these games.

It's so cute, and it made me realize that I've never really played much of Link's Awakening on Switch, which is a shame because it was my favorite Zelda growing up. I should get back to that.
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