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Not Much Rebirthed in the Playstation Showcase

Square Enix
Sony's Playstation Showcase ended a little bit ago, and while there were a lot of very grabby games involved (go do some Googling for Sword of the Sea, Neva, and the Metal Gear Solid and Spider-Man news if you've got a Playstation 5), the only thing that got rebirthed was the Marathon IP from Bungie.

If you were looking for Square Enix in the hour-long presentation, your options were a bit limited; we can start with the announcement of a new team-based 4v4 shooter called "Foamstars," which appears to be made up primarily of OG Fortnite and Splatoon vibes. It's a third-person shooter where the core mechanic is shooting foam everywhere, whether to build, transport, or hunt. The world and characters look fun and shiny, but my gut call is that this might struggle to find an audience.
The only other presence for Squenix in this event was for Final Fantasy XVI. It was an interesting change of pace from other recent info from the game (that I've failed to cover here), as it seemed to have a lot of focus on the world around the main characters and the motivations for the plot, versus the very combat-heavy videos we've seen over the last few months. In my opinion, it gives some much-needed texture to the world that they've shown us so far and is pretty helpful with the game coming in a month.
But yes, not a thing about the Final Fantasy VII world. I guess nothing more to see for that game until later - hopefully not all the way until Tokyo Games Show, which is at the end of September?

Source: Square Enix NA YouTube
Posted in: Square-Enix News


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Glenn Magus HarveyComment 1: 2023-06-06 21:14
Glenn Magus Harvey lol the FF16 video is age-restricted

re Foamstars:
The world and characters look fun and shiny, but my gut call is that this might struggle to find an audience.

I at least have to give them credit for trying something new, and for them pretty unique.
Rangers51Comment 2: 2023-06-08 18:30
Quote (Glenn Magus Harvey @ 6th June 2023 15:14)
lol the FF16 video is age-restricted

re Foamstars:
The world and characters look fun and shiny, but my gut call is that this might struggle to find an audience.

I at least have to give them credit for trying something new, and for them pretty unique.

FF16 is an M-rated game and they've been doing that to all of the major videos, I think? It's possible I've posted some in the past that were reposts and didn't have the restriction.

It's heavily expected that Rebirth is going to show up during the Summer Game Fest stream that happens a half hour from when I'm writing this. We'll see if I have more news to post there.
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