Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
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Various Subjects (Untitled) by SilverFork

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I can't remember what possessed me to draw the two in this familiar form, and I guess I'll never know. I just think it looks funny.

SilverFork's Profile

Rating: 3.4/5 (37 votes cast)

FF6: Mog
FF6: Umaro
Untitled by SilverFork
Media Used Creation Date Licensing
Pencil, colored pencils None Provided All Rights Reserved—Do Not Use


fleetingsightComment 1: 2009-06-25 15:53
fleetingsight lol, that's awesome

I love the caricature, and it's very cleanly drawn and colored. Great job!
GalsicComment 2: 2011-12-28 01:05
Galsic Har, I see what she did there. Clever tongue.gif .
Glenn Magus HarveyComment 3: 2011-12-28 01:13
Glenn Magus Harvey Well, whatever it was, it's definitely effective.

I can now imagine them entering themselves into a cosplay contest...
TrueBOSSComment 4: 2011-12-29 03:17
TrueBOSS I'll agree it does look funny but it's also very good.
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Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI
Version 6
©1997–2024 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

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All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.