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Two Quick Final Fantasy Release Updates

Final Fantasy V
This week, we got updates on two upcoming Final Fantasy games that were announced earlier this year. While they're not big news because we knew they were coming, now's the chance to get ready for them to drop.

First, Final Fantasy V Pixel Remaster will be releasing on November 10, only a couple weeks away now. Preorders have been available for this one for quite a while, and the preorder bonuses on Steam are still up. The versions for mobile are, as usual, not available for preorder.

Also, as of today, pre-registration for Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier is ready to go. The exact release of the game is still no more specific than November 2021, but this Battle Royale-style game set in the Final Fantasy VII Remake universe can be accessed now in app stores and Square Enix are offering gifts to all players who pre-register based on the total number of users set up before launch.

Source: Square Enix
Posted in: Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VII


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©1997–2024 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

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