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More Orchestral Final Fantasy News

Distant Worlds
It's one of those times of year where we get new information about some Final Fantasy orchestral music, both in the Distant Worlds and New Worlds concert series. There's just one announcement for the former, but it's a pretty fancy one: Los Angeles is getting a performance of the new Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary setlist on January 20 of 2018, at the Microsoft Theater. Tickets are on sale today - in fact, sales started just as I was writing this.

For A New World, there are a boatload of new dates.If you're in Salt Lake City or Portland, Oregon, you still might be able to get tickets to Distant Worlds or A New World (respectively) for shows this coming Saturday, too, don't forget!

Source: Distant Worlds, A New World
Posted in: Square-Enix News, North America


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Caves of Narshe Version 6
©1997–2024 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

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