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Kingdom Hearts 3 Release Narrowed to All of 2018

Kingdom Hearts
That must be a relief, right? You're not getting it this year, but there's only a twelve-month window for them to target in 2018! In seriousness, though, that's the news out of the Disney D23 expo today, and it's not bad news for a game that's been in development for over a decade. The big news, though, was another new trailer, debuting a new Disney world within the Kingdom Hearts Universe. For the first time, it's Pixar entering with the world of Toy Story, and it looks fantastic; the new trailer features Sora, Goofy and Donald finding themselves in new toy garb, transported somehow into Andy's room. After beating up a group of Heartless, the team makes friends with Woody, Buzz, and more to make an adventure in miniature to Galaxy Toys.

The new trailer is very gameplay-heavy, and shows Sora taking control of a toy mech for some FPS action. Check out the five-minute-plus dump of new content below!
Posted in: Square-Enix News, North America


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©1997–2024 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

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