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Final Fantasy XIII-2 Trailer Released at E3

Final Fantasy XIII
Not much to say here, but a longer trailer from the newest Final Fantasy sequel came out today during E3. Square Enix hasn't gotten much play in the big E3 media so far, so this is a bit under the radar.

If you're looking forward to the sequel, the trailer can be found at Gamespot.

This was a bit of an underwhelming E3 day, at least for me. Let's hope for the best tomorrow!

Source: Gamespot


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Smash GenesisComment 1: 2011-06-07 03:43
Smash Genesis Oh god, this looks awesome. I'm not going to lie, it looks they've listened to the fans to me! They've obviously spiced up not only the battle system to make it less redundant but they've added things into the overworld, they aren't throwing around any ill-defined terms, and Hope hasn't been seen whining, nor has Snow proclaimed his he hero!

Excuse me while I go salivate.

EDIT: Holy hell, TOWNS. Square-Enix... you really DO care! wub.gif
MalevolenceComment 2: 2011-06-07 03:53
Malevolence Hehe, don't get too excited. All I saw was Noel Christ (seriously, did I hear that right?) running through what looked like a town.

FFX-2 proved that, even in what was an otherwise letdown of a sequel, they can get things right( the combat system that they pulled together for X-2 was amazing). So who knows, maybe they've got a winner on their hands. I sold my 360 earlier this year, so I probably won't get to find out firsthand. But here's hoping that they do right by their fanbase.
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©1997–2024 Josh Alvies (Rangers51)

All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix.