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Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary Game Announcements

Dragon Quest
Dragon Quest as a franchise turned 35 years old this week, and Square Enix went to town on bringing around new games. Gematsu has them all covered, so here is a quick list for Dragon Quest fans out there:Seems like there will be plenty of content for Dragon Quest fans over the next couple years, to say the least.

Source: Gematsu
Posted in: Square-Enix News, News from Japan


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Glenn Magus HarveyComment 1: 2021-05-30 08:33
Glenn Magus Harvey The idea of an offline version of an MMORPG is intriguing, though I suspect that it's been done before? Though I can't think of an example, aside from Tkl Online which is actually just natively an offline game just made to resemble an MMORPG.

That HD-2D remake looks quite nice, and I haven't even played DQ3 before myself. Though I still feel that the juxtaposition of the pixelated spritework and the high-res surroundings still feels a little off. This wouldn't be the only game to have this issue, of course. I wonder if there's a way to "pixelate" the surroundings as well?
His ShadowComment 2: 2021-07-09 03:43
His Shadow I think Square Enix mentioned possible during the end of life for FFXIV making a single player version.

Final Fantasy XIV plays like a single player game, but it would need extreme work to be done to make it completely single player friendly. The Trust system was a huge leap forward but we would need a gambit system.

I imagine Dragon Age X single player is going to break ground on this aspect and I am very hopeful.

As for the HD-2D Version I plan on getting this. Dragon Quest XI really pulled me into the series I am debating on replaying it.
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