CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
FF2US is not FF4 Easytype, but...

Posted: 22nd November 2023 21:47

Maniacal Clown
Posts: 5,428

Joined: 31/10/2003

Third place in CoNCAA, 2019. Celebrated the CoN 20th Anniversary at the forums. Voted for all the fanart in the CoNvent Calendar 2015. Voted for all the fanart in the CoNvent Calendar 2014. 
User has rated 75 fanarts in the CoN galleries. Member of more than ten years. Contributed to the Final Fantasy VI section of CoN. User has rated 25 fanarts in the CoN galleries. 
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...if you *wanted* them to be the same, I just ran across the perfect romhack for you.

Check the "What games are you playing at the moment?" thread for updates on what I've been playing.

You can find me on the Fediverse! I use Mastodon, where I am @[email protected] ( )
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