CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
Final Fantasy V Movie Tie In

Posted: 13th February 2017 19:09

Magitek Soldier
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I didn't know this existed and I'm guessing a bunch of you didn't either.
Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals
It's suppose to be a four part OVA sequel to V that occurs 200 years after the game. And yeah, it's bad. Probably why know one knows about it. Still, I figured this would be worth sharing.

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Post #212170
Posted: 13th February 2017 19:59

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I first saw it in a video rental store pretty soon after it came out - probably '98? I never got around to renting it because I wasn't (and remain not) into anime regardless of the tie-in IP.

I think the most hilarious part of it is that the anime was available here in the US before Final Fantasy V was.

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Post #212176
Posted: 14th February 2017 18:47

Black Waltz
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It does, in fact, have panty shots of an underage girl, lots of them.

If you can overlook that (I have trouble myself, that's kind of irksome in the extreme), then by all means, it is certainly a Final Fantasy story like any other.

It has good character design, pretty good dialogue, and music from FFV all over it.

Lenna is in it (she is somehow immortal or perhaps a descendant of the first one, it is not made specific). So is Mid.

This post has been edited by Spooniest on 14th February 2017 18:48

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Post #212194
Posted: 15th February 2017 06:12

Black Waltz
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I remember really loving this Animation when I first saw it. The character designs and art style were really cool, and the soundtrack absolutely amazing. I recommend watching it if you're a fan of final fantasy.

"You know that feeling you get when you're on a merry go 'round, and you want to jump off to make the spinning stop, but you know it'll suck when you land? I feel like that all the time"- Keno

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Post #212200
Posted: 15th February 2017 14:49

Black Waltz
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There are blue mages, Linaly is a Summoner, there are airships with names, sky pirates (!) in fact.

Balthier may be the Sky Pirate hero du jour, but before there was Balthier, there was


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Post #212201
Posted: 7th August 2023 01:50

Posts: 14

Joined: 22/7/2023

I remember when this came out, it seemed to be fairly high profile for an anime video release in the US at the time (I presume because of the "Final Fantasy" name). I recall being a bit put off that what little I could see didn't remind me much of Final Fantasy - which seems to be the perpetual issue with making FF-related media that isn't directly based off one of the games (little did I know this one actually was related to one of the games!).

The impression I got was of a mostly desert, almost post-apocalyptic-looking setting. Reminded me of an anime Mad Max sort of.
Post #217169
Posted: 27th January 2024 23:32

Black Waltz
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Quote (Multi Bottle Rocket @ 6th August 2023 20:50)
I remember when this came out, it seemed to be fairly high profile for an anime video release in the US at the time (I presume because of the "Final Fantasy" name). I recall being a bit put off that what little I could see didn't remind me much of Final Fantasy - which seems to be the perpetual issue with making FF-related media that isn't directly based off one of the games (little did I know this one actually was related to one of the games!).

The impression I got was of a mostly desert, almost post-apocalyptic-looking setting. Reminded me of an anime Mad Max sort of.

It does have that sort of feel, and to be honest it's a bit too hard and heavy with the gags, and extremely light on characterization.

Releasing something like that in America immediately after Final Fantasy IV was a boo-boo, imo. However, it still kind of rules, don't get me wrong...

Whatever anyone else can say, Pritz is awesome. There are so many droopy-faced, nihilism-fearing ultra-literate bishonens in the series now...Pritz is none of these things. He's a horny teenage Masamune-wielding thug on a motorcycle with a sidecar who is constantly raising hell and throwing raspberry-spitting fireworks bombs at people. He's NUTS. I recommend a watch, just to watch Pritz be the insane a-hole he is.

Edit: Also, in episode 1 he one-shots the Ruby Weapon. I'm not kidding.

This post has been edited by Spooniest on 27th January 2024 23:46

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