CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
Have you been the best in your circle of gaming?

Posted: 9th November 2023 05:08

Posts: 249

Joined: 4/3/2007

Member of more than ten years. Member of more than five years. 
This is a way of asking who you are to some extent. I do not demand your real name yet want to gage recognition for accomplishments.

Since this is a board about Final Fantasy, I can begin with that first.

If anyone had trouble with a game even FF I was the person to go to about it. The battle system they did not need as much help with. The dungeons is what they mostly asked me about on how to proceed. I have keen perception able to follow the path the programmers laid out.

It was not easy in the past. The early FFs did not have arrows above the doors like FFVII. Many of the more complex games like Chess and Magic they needed help with before the internet. I could sniff out an unfair card sooner. I could also calculate well at Chess. I even recommended taking rock in Catan a lot to win. It worked for them.

There is more, though I was the one. It feels like digital games in the past and today you do not need as much help with. The amount of free information today is very extensive.

Feel free to tell what you feel is important. I did not want to include my entire list to save time. My youtube channel has hopefully inspired others.


Terra - LV 99 - HP 9999 - MP 999

Equipment - - - Abilities

Illumina - - - - - Fight
Genji Shield - - Morph
Oath Veil - - - - Magic
Minerva - - - - - Item
Post #217211
Posted: 22nd November 2023 21:58

Maniacal Clown
Posts: 5,438

Joined: 31/10/2003

Third place in CoNCAA, 2019. Celebrated the CoN 20th Anniversary at the forums. Voted for all the fanart in the CoNvent Calendar 2015. Voted for all the fanart in the CoNvent Calendar 2014. 
User has rated 75 fanarts in the CoN galleries. Member of more than ten years. Contributed to the Final Fantasy VI section of CoN. User has rated 25 fanarts in the CoN galleries. 
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No, I've never been the best gamer in my circle of friends. Any circle of friends, really.

Back in the day, I had pokémon around level 50 while my meatspace friends had pokémon at level 100.

And on the web, even back then, other people were talking about Wind God Gau and I was still stuck on uncursing the Cursed Shield and wondering why Brachiosaurs didn't spawn for me.

The same applied to various other hobbies; I was never the best at any particular thing. If anything, my specialty was that I knew a lot of different things.

Check the "What games are you playing at the moment?" thread for updates on what I've been playing.

You can find me on the Fediverse! I use Mastodon, where I am @[email protected] ( )
Post #217222
Posted: 21st January 2025 07:40

Holy Swordsman
Posts: 2,107

Joined: 18/7/2004

Celebrated the CoN 20th Anniversary at the forums. Member of more than ten years. User has rated 300 fanarts in the CoN galleries. Participated at the forums for the CoN's 15th birthday! 
User has rated 150 fanarts in the CoN galleries. User has rated 75 fanarts in the CoN galleries. User has rated 25 fanarts in the CoN galleries. Member of more than five years. 
In my generally very small circle of gaming friends, maybe? But only ever briefly; time was I could outshine others at Bubble Bobble, later Capcom vs. SNK, one of the Smackdown games, as well as the original Armored Core head-to-head mode; however, one of the others always surpassed me.

These days I don't even try to be the best--on account of age and illness having stunted my timing, reflexes, and anything else I'd need to be the best. (Heck, mostly I prefer playing cooperative, or single-player, games alongside my friends.)
Post #217480
Posted: 23rd January 2025 03:26

Onion Knight
Posts: 25

Joined: 14/6/2024

There was a time in the first few months after Super Smash Bros. (N64) came out that I was a bit of a absement king at that game. Out of my other 1st & 2nd grade friends I was top dog. I was a few % better than my friends when Call of Duty: World at War was out fixation in High School. There's no question about Final Fantasy, although I'm the only one in my group who plays it routinely. I've always been killer at the minigames on Kirby 64 & Pokemon Stadium, though my sample size is only between 5 - 10 contestants.
Post #217489
Posted: 25th January 2025 05:37

Holy Swordsman
Posts: 2,107

Joined: 18/7/2004

Celebrated the CoN 20th Anniversary at the forums. Member of more than ten years. User has rated 300 fanarts in the CoN galleries. Participated at the forums for the CoN's 15th birthday! 
User has rated 150 fanarts in the CoN galleries. User has rated 75 fanarts in the CoN galleries. User has rated 25 fanarts in the CoN galleries. Member of more than five years. 
Yeah, my sample size is, at its largest, 6-7, so fully take these with a grain of salt.
Post #217497
Posted: 30th January 2025 23:42
Posts: 7

Joined: 23/11/2024

I wouldn’t say I’ve ever been the best in my circle, but I’ve definitely had my moments. Whether it was dominating a round of Super Smash Bros. with friends or always being the go-to for help in Final Fantasy, I’ve had my share of small victories. But, like most, someone always came along to take the crown. These days, I prefer playing for fun, especially with friends.
Post #217505
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