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blood on the foothills of midgar?

Posted: 3rd January 2013 01:30
Posts: 1

Joined: 2/1/2013

Has anyone else see this while walking outsode of midgar a thing pops up saying looks like blood? Because I did on my first run through but have failed to find it again.
Post #201977
Posted: 3rd January 2013 19:50

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I've certainly never seen anything like that, nor have I even heard of it. I'm not aware of any on-map events like that in FF7, personally.

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Why aren't you shopping AmaCoN?
Post #201979
Posted: 3rd January 2013 21:44

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Awesome thread title for a first post, sir.

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Post #201980
Posted: 4th January 2013 04:20

Holy Swordsman
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I haven't either, although the only thing I can imagine is it's there the first time you leave cuz of the whole dragging of Jenova off around the world thing.

If you've been mod-o-fied,
It's an illusion, and you're in-between.
Don't you be tarot-fied,
It's just alot of nothing, so what can it mean?
~Frank Zappa

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Post #201982
Posted: 4th January 2013 19:00

Treasure Hunter
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I've never seen this before! Is this an easter egg that I never found wub.gif I think it would be really cool if this was in here because I'm guessing that it would refer to the end of Crisis Core! Which is one of my favorite games! thumbup.gif blink.gif If you find out where this is let us know because it would be enough for me to replay both Crisis Core and FF7 wacko.gif shifty.gif

A fox is cunning
a fox is sleek.
I long to have ones
muzzle on my cheek.

Id hug him and we'd kiss
our love would be true.
And he would wisper
"I love you too"

=^_^= A snippet from a lovely and inspiring poem By Due Swann =^_^=
Post #201983
Posted: 2nd April 2013 12:51

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Hmmmm, Cant say iv e ever seen that either......I shall have to look!!


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Post #202988
Posted: 16th April 2013 17:41

Black Mage
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This sounds vaguely familiar.
Post #203132
Posted: 17th April 2013 16:51

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I wandered around Midgar in my recent playthrough specifically looking for this, but didn't find anything. Obviously that's not an end-all answer, but I was looking around for it.

Hey, put the cellphone down for a while
In the night there is something wild
Can you hear it breathing?
And hey, put the laptop down for a while
In the night there is something wild
I feel it, it's leaving me
Post #203145
Posted: 24th August 2023 13:34

Posts: 14

Joined: 22/7/2023

Quote (Ramah @ 2nd January 2013 18:30)
Has anyone else see this while walking outsode of midgar a thing pops up saying looks like blood? Because I did on my first run through but have failed to find it again.

Jill, see if you can find any other clues. I'll be examining this.
Hope this is not... Chris's blood!

Possible spoilers: highlight to view
I apologize for this egregious act of thread necromancy and I accept any and all consequences should moderation decide punitive action is warranted.

(It was worth it.)
Post #217178
Posted: 17th June 2024 18:49

Onion Knight
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Joined: 14/6/2024

Quote (Ramah @ 3rd January 2013 01:30)
Has anyone else see this while walking outsode of midgar a thing pops up saying looks like blood? Because I did on my first run through but have failed to find it again.

Obviously this thread is ancient & Ramah isn't waiting for an answer, but it did pique my interest so I'll jump in anyway.

FF VIII has plenty of field dialogue like this so I did a nice long think if FF VII had any...but no, I don't think this exists. Some quick Googling didn't return anything either. Sounds to me like you've mixed up Shinra HQ dialogue with your memories of the world map. I think there's a line of dialogue like that when Cloud & crew find the blood trails in Shinra tower.
Post #217314
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