CoN 25th Anniversary: 1997-2022
FF1 has possibly the series's biggest plot twist!

Posted: 5th August 2023 23:36

Posts: 14

Joined: 22/7/2023

(Spoilers, obviously)

It's funny that there's quite a bit more story in this famously "plot-less" Final Fantasy than it's given credit for. I never would have suspected this is the one that involves a time loop paradox, or a climactic plot twist that's up there with Portopia Serial Murder Case or Ninja Gaiden II as far as the NES era goes. Seriously, Garland being the final boss is the biggest surprise I've ever gotten from a Final Fantasy game!

This post has been edited by Multi Bottle Rocket on 6th August 2023 10:05
Post #217164
Posted: 6th August 2023 19:44

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Second place in the CoN World Cup soccer competition, 2018. First place in CoNCAA, 2018. Celebrated the CoN 20th Anniversary at the forums. Vital involvement in the Final Fantasy IX section of CoN. 
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I had that one spoiled for me by the official strategy guide before I even bought the game. sad.gif

It was a pretty great plot twist for games of the 80s, for sure, but I think it's pretty hard to know if it's the biggest. I think the big reveals of Final Fantasy IV might outdo it, but that could also just be bias.

"To create something great, you need the means to make a lot of really bad crap." - Kevin Kelly

Why aren't you shopping AmaCoN?
Post #217165
Posted: 6th August 2023 23:53

Posts: 14

Joined: 22/7/2023

I'd wager most people never actually made it to the end of the game. Stuff like strategy guides was probably the only way they'd experience it vicariously, lol!
Post #217166
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