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Should I get FInal Fantasy I or II?

Posted: 18th May 2011 11:54

Chocobo Knight
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So after getting a new PSP to play the recent FFIV release, I now kind of want to play FFI or II for the PSP after this game. Question is, which one? What would you recommend?

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Post #195009
Posted: 18th May 2011 12:05
Chocobo Knight
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As far as I know, I dont think you can buy II solo. I, personally, liked the game. Buy the combo if they have one.
Post #195010
Posted: 18th May 2011 13:43

Treasure Hunter
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If you've never played either I say get the anniversary edition and play them in order. If you genuinely want to know which one each of us thinks you should play my vote goes to FFI, hands down.
Post #195011
Posted: 18th May 2011 14:15

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Aeris-Logan: You can't get them separately EXCEPT on PSP. PSX and GBA bundled them together, but on PSP they're two separate discs.

Fatal, AmaCoN has both of them, new, for ten bucks apiece. I think it's worth the money at that price to get both, but I say that as someone who has both but still hasn't tried FF2 yet (and actually hasn't finished FF1 yet, either smile.gif ). My vote would go to FF1 if you choose to do just one, though.

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Post #195013
Posted: 18th May 2011 17:09

Chocobo Knight
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They're both definitely worth playing on PSP, and like R51 said, you can't beat AmaCoN's prices. But if it's one or the other, I'd say go with FF1.
Post #195019
Posted: 31st July 2011 20:57

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I reccomend getting Dawn of Souls for the GBA. It has BOTH, and I got mine for thirteen bucks.

And you can't beat the new Soul of Rebirth.
Post #196414
Posted: 1st August 2011 14:15

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Quote (Chell172 @ 31st July 2011 15:57)
I reccomend getting Dawn of Souls for the GBA. It has BOTH, and I got mine for thirteen bucks.

And you can't beat the new Soul of Rebirth.

Well, had the original poster not specifically asked about PSP, sure, the GBA version is a pretty good buy regardless of the price. The PSP version does look a lot nicer, and has the same content as the GBA version, but if you don't have a PSP and have something instead that can play GBA carts, then yeah, the GBA version's great.

Of course, if you had joined CoN faster, you could have used AmaCoN to get the game even cheaper than thirteen bucks, but live and learn, eh? wink.gif

"To create something great, you need the means to make a lot of really bad crap." - Kevin Kelly

Why aren't you shopping AmaCoN?
Post #196446
Posted: 1st August 2011 14:30

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Well, when your game came with a 100% file, you can't complain. tongue.gif
Post #196450
Posted: 1st August 2011 22:40

Onion Knight
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Quote (Chell172 @ 1st August 2011 15:30)
Well, when your game came with a 100% file, you can't complain. tongue.gif

That is just luck right there man.But for the question at hand.I have to say FFI even though I havnt played FFII.FFI was fun you could choose your Classes and name them and such but the Airship ride was annoying you could lost in flash with out the Map just by pressin Select and O.Same for the Boat ride If I remember but the Airship ride annoyin.But its your chose.
Post #196515
Posted: 19th August 2011 01:30

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I personally preferred II, as I enjoy it when one can build their characters freely without being restricted by classes.
For a more traditional experience, pick I.

FF games completed: I (psp), II (psp), III (DS), IV (psp), V (GBA), VI (GBA), VII, VIII, IX, X, XI: Nations-Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, XII, XIII, XIV, XV.
Spin-offs: FFIV: Interlude & The After Years, Crisis Core: FFVII, X-2, XIII-2, Lightning Returns, Type-0 HD, Dissidia, Dissidia 012, and Tactics (original & WotL).
Enjoyed them all.
Post #196937
Posted: 19th August 2011 01:35

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Quote (Rangers51 @ 1st August 2011 09:15)
The PSP version does look a lot nicer, and has the same content as the GBA version, but if you don't have a PSP and have something instead that can play GBA carts, then yeah, the GBA version's great.

I know I'm late to the party on this one, but the two versions don't have the same content. The PSP version and iOS version both have a second postgame mega-dungeon that the GBA version does not have. In FF I it's called the Labyrinth of Time, and in FF II it's called the Arcane Labyrinth. Both of them are basically an endgame challenge dungeon with equipment that surpasses that of the GBA's endgame dungeons. In Dissidia: Final Fantasy the Warrior of Light's best weapon, the Barbarian's Sword, is from the Labyrinth of Time.

Post #196938
Posted: 4th September 2011 13:47

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Get Final Fantasy II: That way if you decide to buy FF I for the NES you won't have redundancy in your collection and can play the game how it was originally meant to be played: With stock. My understanding is that all of the remakes basically replace the original stock mechanic with the more familial M.P. mechanic introduced in the later games?

Post #197194
Posted: 4th September 2011 15:01

Treasure Hunter
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My understanding is that all of the remakes basically replace the original stock mechanic with the more familial M.P. mechanic introduced in the later games?

Yep, although they retain the three-spell limit for each level and gaining new spell levels through level-ups. One thing that does bug me about the remakes (the GBA version I know does this) is that they no longer allow you to purchase spells for a character if your character doesn't have a high enough spell level (for example, you can't buy Thundara for a Black Mage with a spell level of 2). It does have its advantage in that higher-level spells don't have excessive MP costs compared to more useful spells. (Poisona for example has a low MP cost compared to the limited number of casts a Level 4 spell gets early in the game.)

Personally, I prefer FF1, because it's a more classic experience with a much simpler system. If you're into a complex, highly-customizable levelling system, FF2 has those elements.

This post has been edited by LilyheartsLightning on 4th September 2011 15:04

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Post #197195
Posted: 4th September 2011 22:57

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Quote (KasperNinja @ 1st August 2011 23:40)
Quote (Chell172 @ 1st August 2011 15:30)
Well, when your game came with a 100% file, you can't complain. tongue.gif

That is just luck right there man.But for the question at hand.I have to say FFI even though I havnt played FFII.FFI was fun you could choose your Classes and name them and such but the Airship ride was annoying you could lost in flash with out the Map just by pressin Select and O.Same for the Boat ride If I remember but the Airship ride annoyin.But its your chose.

I found the Airships to be one of the least annoying things in that game. It isn't that hard to figure out where you are, unlike Final Fantasy IV, where it is a complete and utter pain to get a remote idea of your location.
Post #197201
Posted: 25th February 2021 05:45
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They both are good, but I personally suggest you to buy final fantasy 2, this game is full of fun, well 1 and 2 they both are worth playing games, its totally upto you.
Post #216472
Posted: 26th February 2021 04:16

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So they do sell them separately you can get them on Play Asia.

I can’t find the original for sale. As for which one is better I am not a fan of neither but I think Final Fantasy II is better then one. I don’t like the stat leveling up system.

If I would recommend any Final Fantasy game it would be Crisis Core because it’s a prequel to Final Fantasy VII and it’s actually good. The difference between Crisis Core and the first two final fantasy games is Crisis Core can only be found on the PSP.

Both Final Fantasy I and II can be found on your mobile phone or better yet Steam.

Hope this helped

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Post #216475
Posted: 28th February 2021 17:01

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I, personally, liked FF1 better, especially the dawn of souls version, what with the bonus dungeons and such. However, if you feel like FF2 is a better choice go with it. If you can get Dawn of Souls, though, that would be my first choice. (Less Gil grinding is involved in both versions is a handy bonus.)

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Post #216477
Posted: 26th June 2021 16:47
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I liked FF1 way better too, it was literally my favorite Final Fantasy.

This post has been edited by Rangers51 on 4th November 2021 19:18
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